Photo by In Her Image Photography

Beauty. Hope. Magic.
Welcome to my online home, and thank you for your interest in my work. I’ve been a published author for more than 25 years and a spiritual explorer for a lot longer than that…and I believe in the presence of Divine Creativity that is in everyone. I know that cultivating that power can enrich and transform your life—and also impact the world around you.
If you’re interested in exploring your Creative Spirit—that beauty, hope and magic within you—please join me!
I believe that every person is inherently creative. No matter what you think, no matter what you’ve been told, every person—and that includes you—is a creative person.
My work is about stoking your Creative Spirit—claiming your brilliance, your beauty, and your creativity, as well as the vast potential we all have to transform our communities and beyond.

The world is a better place because you are here.
Photo by In Her Image Photography